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Frag Orders Official

Two new major features have been released to Frag Orders:

Timeline Editor

The timeline editor has been added to give mission planners the ability to set their Time-on-Target information in relation to other flights. This will be an area where there will be more development in the near future. Read more about it in the documentation.

Timeline editor window

Fuel Planner

A new fuel planner widget has been added to help planners calculate and communicate their fuel gameplan. Check out the section in the docs for more info.

Fuel planner image

Frag Orders Official

Lots of new features were released over the summer! Here is an overview of our recent development efforts.

New Feature: Tacview Object Export

We added the ability to export flight path as a Tacview data object. This can help level-up your debriefing process adding extra geo-spatial context to the tacview file. Read more about it here.

Frag Orders Official

Lots of new features and bug fixes have been deployed in the last few months. Here is a recap of the highlights.

Major Feature: Batch Edit

A new spreadsheet-centric workflow for editing data in your miz file has been added! The Batch Edit feature should make creating and updating large missions much easier.

Batch edit example

Read more about it in the docs

Frag Orders Official

February was a busy month for Frag Orders! Here are some of the highlights from the last couple months.

It is now possible to for planners to add Navigation Target Points to via Frag Orders. This should help extend the capability of planners for certain modules, including the F-15E, F-14, JF-17 and more. Read more about it in the docs

Nav Target Point input example

Planning Rule UI Improvements

A major rework of the planning rule input has been launched! Mission creators will now be presented with a more intuitive UI that can handle missions with many groups. In addition, it is now possible to edit a planning rule (rather than having to delete and recreate every time). The docs have been updated to reflect this new UI.

Planning rule input UI

Large .miz file support

A new storage backend has been deployed to remove the previous limit on .miz file size for publishing Frag Orders. This change will only apply to newly created Frag Orders, while old Frag Orders will still use the legacy storage backend. Upload your most complex .miz file and try it out!

Frag Orders Official

We have launched the initial version of the user-requested Control Measures features. Control Measures allow for mission participants to draw various shapes on the Frag Order map canvas. This will hopefully allow for new ways to collaboratively plan a mission, and is especially good for any human controllers that might be participating in missions via third-party software, like LotATC.

Control Measure Intro

Read more about it in the Frag Order Docs

Frag Orders Official

It's time to go live! Our closed alpha period is coming to an end and will be replaced by an Open Beta program. Here are the highlights and what to expect:

Frag Orders Official

Here is a quick recap of the features that have been added to Frag Orders recently.

Players Menu and Windows Re-work

The behavior of the window system has been altered to allow for multiple flight info windows to be open at once. Before, when a group was clicked, their flight info would be visible while the group was focused. Now, clicking on a group's "View Data" button in the "Players" menu will bring up their window.

In addition, the Player menu has been re-worked to allow for easier filter controls and focus logic, as well as to accomodate the new window logic.

This allows for two flights to be easily comparable, and for planners to reference other flights more easily.

New window system

New Aircraft Data View

Accompanying the new datalink features that have been added to DCS are some new Frag Orders features to visualize datalink addresses.

A new navigation button and window have been added to the public frag order view. This window will show aircraft-specific data for all flight members, and is meant to make it easier for adding other flights to your datalink configuration. Laser code data is also visible here for modules that support it.

Aircraft Data View

STN numbers will also appear on auto-generated lineup cards:

Lineup Card STN data

Control Point Card

A new auto-generated kneeboard has been added that shows the "Initial Point" locations that are defined in the DCS mission editor. Frag Orders refers to them generically as "Control Measures" in the hopes of adding more types of points in the future.

This kneeboard is intended to make the in-game "Initial Points" useful for more airframes (not just the A-10!).

Control Measures kneeboard card

Frag Orders Official

We are launching the docs and blog site! That is pretty much all there is to say...more blog posts on feature updates and roadmap things coming soon.